Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Phu Quoc

The ferry crossing to Phu Quoc was so so so bumpy! We all felt pretty rough in the middle of the journey, so many people were being sick on the boat, it was horrible but luckily none of us were sick, yey! Our little resort was so cute, really please we picked it, lovely swimming pool, beach, beach bar etc – such a lovely island and a great place o relax for a few days! We spent most of the time on the beach at our resort, there were loads of ladies selling fresh fruit and massages for like 2 pound, paradise!

Ben and I took a moped ride to the other side of the island one day to see another beach, it was all white sand! So chuffed, I’ve never been on a white sand beach before, lovely. After spending a bit of time there we drove back, just in time for a huge rain storm!!! We were absolutely drenched by the time we got back to the resort, it was pretty funny – Ben was far worse off than me, hehe.

We went out for some really nice meals with Nic and Chris, we had Indian, Vietnamese and Mexican – all really good to. We also had some pretty good games of pool, in the end I must admit that the North won (and that it was my entire fault), we do demand a rematch in the future though!!! Ben and Chris also entered a game of ‘killer’ in one of the bars with about 10 other people – Ben did amazingly and came a really close second beating some really good players, but alas he fouled on his last ball, what a waste of 20,000 dong!

Really sad to leave Phu Quoc as it really was a paradise island but on to Cambodia next so very excited about that!!!

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