Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Nha Trang

Off we went down the coast to the beach resort town of Nha Trang, my god what an awful journey! I convinced Ben that it would be ‘fun’ to get the night bus down as we haven’t got one yet and it was $10 less than the train. What a mistake – we were completely stitched up with the seating arrangements and we made to sit in what can only be described as a cave at the back of the bus on the bottom, there were 5 of us all along the back seat and we couldn’t even sit up and to top it off the driver turned the lights out at 6.30pm!!! Horrendous!!!

So after a horrible trip to Nha Trang we get to our hotel and it’s a little crappy, plus we get ripped off by a man on a motorbike on our way – fair to say the 1st impression was not a good one. But after we rested we went for a stroll and felt a lot better about the place, the beach was really nice and there were loads of great restaurants including a fab Indian and one of the best Italians I have had for years (cheating I know but it was too good)!
 Chatting with the locals at the fishing village!

Our one full day in Nha Trang we decided to do the ‘Easy Rider’ tour on these cool motorbikes (which looked like Harley Davidson’s but weren’t) around the area. We started by visiting fishing villages where we saw how lobsters were fished and grown and also where shrimp were bred, then we turned off the main road on to this dirt track. Ben did so well not to drop the bike, we were riding through mud and puddles up to our ankles – it was like proper off-road riding, I was pretty scared! 

But the ordeal was worth it as we rode to this amazing river with waterfalls and plunge pools, it was so beautiful and we had the place all to ourselves, we swam and jumped off the rocks it was really amazing.

On the day trip we also visited this hot spring park and mud baths – was really funny, we were just sat in these baths full of mud, really strange! Didn’t do much on our trip after that, we visited some sites including a giant white Buddha and a Hindu temple, fun day I would definitely recommend going on an easy rider tour in Vietnam.

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