Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 12, 2010

Ha Long Bay & Cat Ba Island

We booked a 3 day tour to the famous Ha Long Bay during our time in Hanoi which included a night on a junk boat in the bay and a night on the largest island, Cat Ba Island. The whole trip was absolutely amazing, the bay is mystical and beautiful, definitely looked like something straight out of a James Bond film.

The first day we explored some limestone caves with all the stalagmites and stalactites – obviously I loved it! We then went for a kayak around the islands, Ben and I powered off to get away from the crowds and found some quiet parts, it was absolutely beautiful out there, Ben got absolutely drenched though it was funny.

That night we had dinner on our junk boat with some horrendous karaoke for desert, watching our Vietnamese tour guide singing along to Westlife was brilliant though!

The second day we were dropped off at Cat Ba Island for the second part of our tour, we did this really cool jungle trek in the morning and then had the afternoon to ourselves to do what we wanted. 

Ben and I rented a moped again and decided we wanted to go and have a good explore, we drove to ‘Hospital Cave’ which was a secret underground hospital during the war for the Vietnamese and Chinese. It was really cool to go see the cave and we had a great time driving around the island, really rural and beautiful.

On our final day we made our way back to Halong City on the boat taking in the views as we went, really worthwhile trip.

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