Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Wow, and we thought Hanoi was bad for mopeds! Saigon is far far worse, there are mopeds everywhere you look, and we were told that there are over 4 million mopeds in the city. So the first day we just wondered around getting our bearings etc and finding a good tour deal to go to the Mekong Delta, it’s a really cool city but my god what a rip off compared to all the other places we have been, the people on the market stools were staring at ridiculous prices – including $22 for a plain brown leather belt!!! That night Ben and I treated ourselves to a Hard Rock Café meal since we’ve been craving it since Beijing, it was so worth it, absolutely amazing – we ate so much!

Ben and I wanted to visit some sites to learn more about the Vietnamese war so we booked a tour to the Cu Chi tunnels just outside of Saigon. It was a really interesting tour, the Vietnamese built all these tunnels once stretching all the way to Cambodia and the US didn’t have a clue for years. The tunnels were absolutely tiny too, I definitely couldn’t be a Vietnamese Gorilla – I’d have a right panic attack down there! 

These were the widened tunnels - still ruddy small!

While we were at the tunnels we also got to see the bamboo traps they used to capture and kill Americans, they were brutal. Ben was very excited as he got to shoot an AK-47 gun at the shooting range – boys!

On our way back we visited the War Remnants museum in the city, had some really cool tanks and stuff outside but the exhibits inside were really brutal again. There were mainly photographs (and a lot of Vietnamese propaganda) showing pictures from throughout the war, some really graphic it was fair to say we were pretty Vietnamese War-ed out by the end of the day.

On our final day in Saigon we visited the ‘Reunification Palace’ in the centre of the city. It is a really cool building, like going in to a time warp to 1974, nothing has been changed in the palace since the Northern communists broke down the palace gates with their tanks and the South surrendered – it was so retro, would definitely recommend a visit.

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