Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Kep and the start of Cambodia!

So our first stop in our third country - Kep, Cambodia. We arrive there after a long and painful border crossing and a near death mini bus experience with 2 cows and come to this quiet tranquil little town, nothing like I expected. It is such a chilled out little place on the sea, we were staying in these bungalows over looking a beautiful sunset, a really nice place to spend a couple of days.


During our time there we mainly relaxed by a pool or on the terraces, we found the people to be so friendly though, it was amazing - everyone just kept saying "Welcome to Cambodia", it was really nice. We also did a lot of driving around on the moped to see all the old french villas that were bombed in the 1970's war, we also drove 20km or so to the next town, Kampot - we really had to do this as it was the closest ATM and we needed money but it turned out to be a really nice drive. All over SE Asia they have these make shift petrol stations on the sides of the road with petrol in Pepsi bottles etc - really cool:

Cambodia's high-tech petrol stations!

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