Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Siem Reap and Angkor!

Siem Reap was really amazing – I can see why it’s the number 1 tourist destination in Cambodia. The town itself has such a good vibe, there is loads going on and excellent restaurants, the only drawback is that it’s a little bit expensive, but then what can you expect. Ben and I spent a couple of days cycling and wondering around the town, including visiting the markets to buy each other secret Christmas prezzies. There were loads of places to get cheap massages so we had a foot massage and a back massage - we also both got fish massages! It was so funny, such a weird sensation to have fish sucking at your feet, we were both in hysterics!

The temples of Angkor were absolutely amazing! We started off our temple tour the night before where we were taken to this temple on top of a hill to watch the sunset, it was really busy but worth it. Then it was the real deal the following day – We started with the biggy, Angkor Wat. It was as spectacular as I expected, we had a great few hours exploring the temple, then in the outer grounds Ben get attacked by a monkey (I know I shouldn’t have laughed but it was hilarious!!!).

We then spent the rest of the day visiting the other main temples in the complex, Angkor Thom and the Bayon temple was great, enclosed in these huge walls and most of the temples had faces carved in to them – all the main temples were really unique so it was really fun exploring the different layouts etc.

We saw a few other smaller temples that day and one last big one, which was my favorite of the whole lot. The temple itself wasn’t the impressive thing it was all the mangrove trees which have grown up and over the temple giving it a really mystical and jungle feel about the temple. It looked so impressive, and it was where they filmed Tomb Raider so I felt just like Lara Croft!

"Give me money mister!"
That was our last stop in Cambodia unfortunately and we decided to have a big change of plans, instead of going in to Laos from the South, We decided to do 2 weeks in Thailand first then go in to Laos from Northern Thailand – So next stop Koh Chang, Thailand.

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