Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Phnom Penh

After another slow bus ride we arrive in the capitol of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Unfortunately we only had 1 full day to spend here, we would have liked to have stayed longer but we had to move on. So we decided to spend our day visiting all the Khymer Rouge sites in the city, a really tough day, such a sad history and to think it was only the 1970’s that all this terror happened. We started by going to the killing fields just outside of the city – it’s hard to imagine that so many people were killed in this quiet field with old orchard trees growing everywhere, although it’s a brutal visit I’m really glad we went to remember all the victims. We also visited the S-21 prison in the city, an old school turned in to a prison and torture centre by the Khymer Rouge, very sad and eerie place; it was a really brutal day.

The rest of our time in PP we just wondered around the city and looked around some markets etc and we saw an elephant walking down the road in the evening – I was very excited! PP was a really nice city, great architecture and culture; I would definitely recommend staying a couple of days there.

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