Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 11, 2010

Xi'an and the Terracotta Warriors

After Beijing we traveled to China’s ancient capital Xi’an, this is where they have found the Terracotta Warriors and marks the end of the ‘Silk Road’ from all the way in far western China. Xi’an has a really great vibe to the city and was surrounded by this massive wall, well you know the Chinese and their walls! Our hostel was really cool, it had a massive bar in the basement with cheap cocktails, met some great people in this hostel, a really good couple of days here.

We spent our one full day in Xi’an at the Terracotta Warriors tomb, another really amazing day – it’s the kind of sight that you really have to see to believe. They have uncovered thousands of warriors and they are all unique, there are archers, generals, horses, and chariots. By looking at the statues you can find out how important the warrior was; if the statue had a fat belly or pointy shoes then that meant he was very important. All the faces are different too, as you look down the rows of the tomb you can see that the faces are all individual, maybe with a mustache or with big eyebrows, it was really amazing. Once again really crazy to think that someone actually came up with the idea of building this army – the Chinese definitely don’t do things by halves!!!

 The famous pit 1 - thousands of warriors were found in this site alone

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