Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 11, 2010

Panda Watch in Chengdu

So off we went to Chengdu in the Sichuan Provence via another overnight train, we are starting to feel at home on them now! The train stopped though the night in the ass-end of nowhere, all the buildings looked deserted – Thankfully the train kept going and we didn’t get abandoned in murderville!

Our hostel in Chengdu was really cool, Sims Cozy Garden Hostel, it had the largest garden in the city centre – compared to gardens in the UK it was average sized. The main reason we traveled to Chengdu was to visit the Giant Panda Research Base where they are trying to make the pandas randy and actually get off their behinds and mate. They had a really successful year this year with 18 cubs born, when we were looking around the centre there were some babies in the nursery and they are the cutest things I have ever seen!!! They are so fluffy and they don’t have the use of their back legs yet so they just drag themselves along on their bellies, cute cute cute!

The adult pandas were amazing too, we went to the centre early in the morning so we could catch them at their most ‘active’ time of day, when I say active I mean sat around eating (this is as active as pandas ever get!). We saw loads of adult pandas and I think we took about 100 pics of pandas in different positions – Panda watch, the mood is tense!

We didn’t stop in Chengdu for very long, we wanted to get down south to the Yunnan Province to experience a more rural side of China.

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