Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 11, 2010

Dali and the start of the Yunnan

Our first major stop in the Yunnan was a town called Dali, took a while to get there – a 20 hour train from Chengdu to Kunming, stay over night in Kunming then a 5 hour bus ride up to Dali. But it was worth the fuss, our hostel was the best yet – The Dali Hump, it is ran by a community of artists and musicians and all the rooms had different murals painted in them and in the bar there was a full drum kit (Ben was very excited when he saw this) and guitars etc for the guests to jam with. 

 The first night we met a Belgian guy called Julian who could play the guitar so Ben and him formed a drunken band, they were actually really good, some people thought we’d been traveling together and they were in a proper band, funny. The jam session was a bit messy towards the end as a certain drummer was absolutely smashed – one too many long island iced teas, getting him to bed was interesting!

 The next couple of days we spent time looking around Dali, it’s a really amazing town really authentic Chinese architecture but with a reggae/rasta vibe to the town. We did this 10km hike in the mountains above Dali, it was pretty easy but really beautiful. 

 There was a BBQ in the hostel that night with some pretty amazing food, loads of different meats, it was heaven after 4 weeks in China with endless rice! They had a jam session after the BBQ for people to come up and play etc, unfortunately for us there were some French Canadians staying who thought they were gods gift to music, my my they were wrong! The same terrible 6 songs over and over again, and to top it off the guitarist was one of those tools who wore sunglasses the whole time even in the dark, he looked like a white Stevie Wonder!

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