Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 2, 2011

Bangkok - Part 2

Glad to be back in Thailand and Bangkok to be honest, the food and the shopping here is just so exceptional, we really enjoyed our time here. During this second visit most of our time was spent looking around all the markets and shops in the city, we brought so so so much stuff including loads of things for our house and loads of bags and clothes for me! Fun times, can’t wait to get it all home!

We did do a little of cultural Bangkok though, it wasn’t all shopping! We spent a day looking around some beautiful temples, some of the best we’ve seen, and they are just so grand and intricate.  We also tried to go to the grand palace, but they wouldn’t let Ben in because his shorts were ‘too short’, what a joke. It was ok though, we had a nice enough time wondering around.

We also visited the floating markets while we were in Bangkok, was a really nice morning, the floating market is so colourful and bustling and has a great atmosphere there. I think it was about the only market in Bangkok where we didn’t actually buy anything, but it was great all the same.

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